Posted in Friesland Farm

Funeral flowers, fencing and frosty mornings.

Monday 19th February 2024: Decent enough weather today even if it is a little colder than the weekend. I was up early as I needed to deliver pedestal flowers to the church for a funeral today, John dropped me off and it was a brisk walk back. The traffic is still awful due to another local road being closed and our village turned into a rat run instead 🙄 I spent the rest of the morning in the flower room mostly washing out jam jars I had been given, also had a fair amount of tidying up to do and while I was there I did do a bit of flower faffing because, well why not 😊 In the afternoon I went to the funeral that I had done the flowers for, it was the funeral of a local lady that was well known, full of character and well respected. The turn out was good and all the cars parked probably added to the chaos in the village, especially after someone made an error of judgement and drove into the Ford 🙄 too deep especially after all that rain we had, needless to say they were stranded and then apparently three fire engines arrived to try and get the vehicle out which further clogged up the through road 🤪 The police have now closed the Ford off so that no one else attempts to go through.

Tuesday: Oscar day 🥰 we did venture out on to the farm for a little walk but for toddlers (who mainly stumble and fall over) it is not ideal with chicken and goose poop all over the place 😂

Wednesday: The weather is vile today, could hear heavy rain again in the night and this morning it has continued along with some windy weather as well.

One of the jobs high on my to do list is to empty out the greenhouse and give it a good clean and wash before putting everything back in. Obviously this needs a dry (and for comfort a fairly mild day) in order to complete it successfully, it looks like I will be waiting a while as rain is forecast forever 🤪

As I am in cleaning mode and as I can’t do the greenhouse I thought I might as well do the bathroom instead so that has had a descale, the walls wiped down everything cleaned. Then a quick hoover and polish around the rest of the rooms.

John informed me that the horses had got out over night, no surprise there as the fences are going over left right and centre. The amount of rain we have had has either rotted the posts or the ground movement has loosened them. We have the new fencing ready but are waiting for someone to come and knock them in with the tractor, it’s too wet for them to do it at the moment so we are in a catch 22 situation 🙄 At the end of this month lambing will begin in earnest all over the country and so farm workers will be busy doing that and we still may not get the fencing done due to the contractor we use having those other commitments. We might have to commit to a weekend and hire a hydraulic rammer and do it ourselves and just pray that the weather holds while we do it.

I did nip out to the greenhouse but it was not very nice out there so I came back inside. I needed to find a job to do, I have many but what do I want to do rather than what I should be doing feels right today 🤪 I had some bits of veg to use up from the fridge and so I made a veg stew in the slow cooker. I make plenty of soups, I had chicken and veg soup yesterday and then mushroom soup today both made from scratch, I wanted a side dish that could be frozen and then used with something like a lamb chop or even a piece of chicken. A veg stew seemed the perfect thing so I chopped up celery, carrot, leek, broccoli stalks, garlic and added spinach, broad beans and courgettes from the freezer some thyme I have hanging in the kitchen, veg stock and black pepper, put it all in the slow cooker and I will thicken it when is has cooked down a little. You could make this with pretty much anything you have and eat it like that or add dumplings or use it as a side dish like I intend to.

Thursday: I was determined to get the greenhouse cleaned this week but the weather this morning was atrocious nevertheless if a girl is on a mission, she is on a mission. I decided first up to wash down the outside because the rain would then rinse of the soap suds so I picked a dry moment dashed out and washed all the glass down. Then it hammered down which is fine because that’s what I wanted. Next I thought I may as well get in there and move everything from one end to the other and clean that end then move it all back and do the other end. Sounds easy but there was a lot of squeezing round or stepping over things to be done before I could put one end back again. I have swept it all down and cleaned all the windows, moved all the plants that are in there and checked for slugs while I was going, I found three big fat ones and slung them outside. I just started moving everything from the other end when the septic tank lorry turned up so I made the driver a coffee, had a little chat and then he was on his way again. He was telling me how his company has a scientist on board and she is making great strides setting up separate stations for them to take the sewage to and it is being processed in such a way that it is able to go back onto fields. It is all being vigorously tested and the fields are monitored and tested but it looks like it is a process that will work well. They are having difficulty taking it to the main sewage works because of the flooding at the minute and because the plants are not up to taking the amount that is produced, hence it has to go into the rivers. It is all very well moaning about it polluting the rivers but unless we all stop pooping then it will continue. The smaller stations dotted around would make much more sense and would be more able to cope by the sounds of things.

I went back into the greenhouse once he had left and continued with the other end and the areas under the benches. I had thought that I didn’t have any mice in there this year but as soon as I moved some stuff out shot a mouse. It was scared, I was surprised and I am not sure who moved fastest 😂 well actually it was the mouse 🤪 I carried on moving bits and another leapt out and promptly ran out of the door, still one little sod in there somewhere. They had been nesting in some soak mats that are used in the summer and there were holes in them plus they stank of mouse wee and now so do I. Eventually I had worked my way round the whole greenhouse and found some whopping great spiders while I was at it, shame they don’t eat slugs and mice really.

All the plants have had a good move round and the light levels are now better because the glass is clean and apart from the resident mouse everything is good and I can start some more seed sowing.

Friday: Much colder today and more rain overnight 🙄 I wanted to get some of the seedlings pricked out but I was not going to do it in the greenhouse. It was too cold in there and these seedlings have been growing on the windowsill indoors so the shock of temperature difference might have killed them off even if they were just there for a while. So I filled up the trays with compost and bought them into the kitchen to do the job, I just about found enough windowsill space to put them all. I did go out and do some support netting on the front beds but my feet got cold so I only did a small area. The sun came out so I thought I will go into the polytunnel and plant up some plants from the greenhouse, it was pleasant enough in there. I forgot the weed membrane on the floor lets the water through and ended up wet, dirty knees 🤪 Not much else I can do out there today really as the temps are plummeting to freezing tonight so best not to disturb anything too much. I came in and sat down to write the blog before having some lunch and the minute I sat down the doorbell went, It was delivery of canes which I was waiting for so I wasn’t too annoyed lol.

I have tried outside today but it’s too cold and wet so I thought I would be better off in the warm doing a bit more learning instead.

Saturday: A frosty start to the day and one of the first jobs was to get the horses back in their right paddock as they had escaped again 🙄 One of the problems is that we have had to shut them out of the biggest paddock at the back, we have a big problem with the fences this year. Due to the amount of rain and the rubbish fencing that was churned out a few years back they are now rotting and leaning or falling practically everywhere. We spent a chunk of money on new posts and are waiting for the chap to come and bang them in but the ground is so wet he can’t get his tractor on the ground without churning it up massively so we have to wait. Meanwhile the horses (or more specifically Jack) takes any opportunity to push through to other paddocks. The situation is such that we can’t get one lot of fencing up before another lot is going over, the high winds haven’t helped as some of the fence line has had hefty branches come down and take the fence with it.

John went to work first thing while I sorted out some flowers for Monday morning, burnt some rubbish and practiced making a dried flower, flower crown for an upcoming workshop. Then once John came home we went off to our grandnephews 4th birthday party where we caught up with extended family. Once back home we donned work clothes and went up the back to try and sort out (fix) some of the fencing that has gone over in the big paddock. Once we have cobbled it back together we can let the horses back in and they will be happier as they have more area to graze over. We worked out there until it got almost dark and we just have a bit more to do tomorrow.

Sunday: It was another frosty start but it thawed fairy quickly in the early sunshine. I cut some foliage for birthday flowers going out tomorrow then a few household bits while I waited for John to bring in the eggs. When he didn’t appear I went to look for him and he was down in the far corner fixing the fence already. Once that was done we were able to let the horses back in and they now have a new bit to graze on which was a sectioned off walkway. We don’t really need it now and the fence was falling down so we altered it for them to graze, it will save us mowing it.

I was doing some bits in the greenhouse and garden while John was trying to sort out a water butt on the end of the greenhouse. We have one each side but one keeps going over and so out came the sand and cement plus a few slabs and hopefully that will make it more stable.

By mid afternoon the sun had disappeared and it was cold on the fingers and toes so we called it a day, went in and lit the fire then spent the afternoon relaxing.

Early evening, I got the dinner, John did the animals then I had to make up the bouquets of flowers for tomorrow and finally we can sit down and not do anything at all 🤪

Posted in Friesland Farm

Some lovely sunny days, some very rainy nights and flooding again.

Monday 12th February 2023: Wowzers I logged on to see a message from WordPress wishing me happy anniversary, 13 years I have been blogging, that’s some dedication isn’t it 😂

The sun has shone beautifully today and my first job was to walk up to the church and meet the lady in charge as I have a customer who wants pedestal flowers for a funeral next week. It was nippy on the fingers but a lovely walk there and back, even with the volume of traffic that has increased due to another local road being closed from today for repairs. I say repairs I am not sure they actually do very much 🙄 the pot holes are ridiculous around the area, some could be regarded as craters rather than holes and some are very dangerous indeed especially on the unlit roads. The council seem to be able to wriggle out of paying any compensation from what I have seen on social media so it is costing car owners a fortune.

Once I was back I set about the business of selling flowers, well gearing up for it anyway. I got my roadside sign out and cleaned it up ready for the year ahead and made some extra signs that can be added to it to say when I have flowers available. Then I made a notice for the egg shed so that people know exactly how to pay for their flowers and finally make sure the doorbell was working, it wasn’t 🤪 So here is where working by yourself gets annoying, once I prised the bell off the gatepost and took it in to find a new battery (turns out I didn’t need one as the bell works and just needed the battery clamped a little tighter) I took it back outside and re fitted it. So far so good but I needed to see if it works and I am too far from the house to hear the internal end of the bell. So I set my phone on voice memo, pressed record and went outside to ring the bell, came back in to listen to the recording to find out if it actually works. I am glad to say it does and so that saves me a lot more faffing around.

I made soup for lunch today and we have left over roast chicken for dinner tonight, there is enough for bubble and squeak for John and I will have mine with some mushrooms and pasta or rice, haven’t decided which yet.

In the afternoon I was in the flower room creating a heart memorial with flowers for a customer tomorrow. I love doing these, they are different and I usually know who they are for so each one is a little sad to make but an honour to be asked and made with love and respect.

I also made up a small bunch of flowers for someone having a tough time at the minute, they are purely from me to them to say, chin up, you will get through this. That’s the thing about flowers, they can say so many things, I love you, I’m sorry, I’m here for you, Happy birthday, Happy anniversary and so much more, only one other thing can do the same, Chocolate 🥰

I will have flowers for Valentine’s Day but I have not taken orders I mean how many significant others are that well organised 😂 This year at least I will be relying on those that are driving past, see the sign and think ‘you have saved my day’ and with the diverted traffic increase it might work well!

I did a small amount outside, just moving Ranuculas from the greenhouse to the poly tunnel, where the air flow will be better for them, before coming in for a sit down.

Tuesday: Oscar day 🥰 We had a fun filled afternoon it being pancake day. It’s one of those traditions that everyone loves, my Mum always made us pancakes, I made our girls pancakes and now they make their children pancakes. This year it fell in the half term and so they all came over here for pancakes with Oscar which is lovely. It was carnage 😂 all kinds of goodies went on top of each pancake and Oscar although he is only 16 months put away three of three and wanted more! Once they were done the adults had a chance to have a more civilised feast of pancakes, fruits, crème fraise and a drizzle of melted chocolate 😊

Although I had already been busy all day long there was no time to rest as I had flowers to get sorted for tomorrow. Finally sat down around 9pm so that was a long day.

Wednesday: It is of course Valentines day ❤️ so I was up early getting the sign out and putting out some flowers I had made up last evening.

I spent a good chunk of time sorting out what was going to be for lunch and dinner tonight before going out into the greenhouse for a more gentle couple of hours. I have sown seeds, pricked out seedlings and divided up a large pot of chrysanthemums. I have a lot more chrysanthemums to divide yet and no idea where I will put them all. Some I will be selling as small plants but I will be keeping a lot for flowers later in the year. I have two reasons to try and sell a lot of plants this year, one is because I have a lot of material to divide and can’t possibly use it all and the other is because I have an awful lot of plant pots 🤪 Seriously I can’t believe how many there are out there, so if I can use a good lot to sell plants in then I will free up some space. I don’t think I have ever bought a new plant pot in my life, not empty ones anyway, there is always someone who asks if I want any and I never say no lol.

Thursday: I got a bit done first thing and then Mia, George and Lucie for a few hours while Sam was busy and Charlie came over with Oscar. After everyone had lunched we went out for a walk, it was a lovely afternoon, the sun was out and it felt pleasant. The ground in still a bit soggy underfoot in places and so directing George away from mud was a full time job 😂

Friday: Another nice enough day in the end, the sun came out again and so working outside was ok. I spent a couple of hours in the greenhouse first, dividing more chrysanthemums, I will have lot of good sized plants at this rate. Yesterday one of those cheap tunnels arrived because that’s where I want to put the chrysanthemums once they start to flower. At the minute they are in the small tunnel, they come out over summer and then go back in as the weather changes, mostly to save the flowers from the rain and cold. But it means I can’t use the tunnel for anything else and it is difficult to manoeuvre in there when I am cutting the stems and so I ordered this one. I put it together in the afternoon once I had put membrane down in the place I want it to go, turns out it was bigger than I had imagined, because of course I didn’t take much notice of the dimensions when I ordered it only that it was big enough 😂 It is actually really good value for money and fairly robust once everything is tightened up, though I am not sure it will stand up to high winds 🙄 so I may need to remove the cover once the flowers are done each winter 🤷‍♀️

Saturday: We did a few jobs around the place before going off to collect some very lovely flower buckets that someone was selling online. A florist that was retiring and moving away, she was lovely and full of support for British flowers, gave me lots of extras as well as lots of great flower arranging tips.

We just got back when Shelley arrived with Josh and Flo and the Charlie, Macca and Oscar arrived too. Shelley and family had been in London for the past few days having a lovely time being tourists and we heard all about their adventures. Meanwhile Charlie had come to fill up some bags with woodchip to take home and put on her garden.

After everyone had gone I spent some time doing the greenery for a pedestal arrangement that will be going on Monday, the flowers I will put in on Sunday ready to be delivered first the Monday morning.

In the evening My brother and his wife popped for a visit and a cuppa.

Sunday: It rained all night long, heavy at times, we had 4 inches of water in a bucket that was empty last evening. The paddocks were flooded, the hay barn was flooded, the lane was flooded, it was a terrific amount of water overnight. We went out to the lane first thing to see just how deep it was and if cars could pass, just about was the conclusion we came to along with our neighbour.

John and I then spent quite a few hours working on the front fence line, it was in a state of disrepair and falling over so we began taking it down, cutting back and raking out debris. By mid afternoon we had got it sorted and now all that is left to do is burn all the branches and rotten fencing. We then need to plant some saplings into any gaps, we left the stock fencing up as there are so many bits of tree and shrubs growing through it that it stays there by itself and looks ok as it is.

All the time we were working we were watching cars come down the lane towards the flooded area, some, especially smaller cars, turned around, some drove through cautiously and some absolute t**ts sped through with some speed (yep that is you in the DPD van too) Great fun for them not so much for us with land each side and definitely not so much for the poor jogger who got soaked by one idiot going through 😡 and got called, quite rightly, some choice names. I was secretly hoping that at least one that went through like an idiot would break down the other side so we could have a good laugh, wicked I know but would have been very satisfying 🤣

Even though we had all that rain, the weather was actually really nice during the day, spring is definitely on the way thank goodness. Blossom is beginning to burst out, daffodils, iris, crocus, snowdrops, hellebore are all adding to the pops of colour and all very welcome after the greyness of Winter.

Oh and the geese laid their first eggs today 😊

Posted in Friesland Farm

Weather – variable, Flower sales – great, to do list – getting there 😜

Monday17th April 2023: I had one of those mornings where all the things that were bugging me just had to be done and there was no putting it off any longer. It’s not that I put them off just that other jobs jump the queue 😂 So this morning I hoovered the boot room and washed down all the side areas, it gets dusty and dirty with the cats and dogs in there but when it’s constantly raining there is no point even trying to clean it because it won’t stay like that for more than ten minutes. It probably still won’t stay very clean but I couldn’t put up with it any longer, then there was the fridge to clean out, things lurking in the back and half used things sitting on the shelves, all clean and tidy again. I managed to smash my favourite tea mug while I was wiping down the side ☹️ so I then had to hoover the kitchen floor which also needs a wash but as the wet just gets walked right in I only want to do it when we have a dry period 😜 I cleaned the bathroom and emptied the wash basket, I also need to wash a few extra things for our holiday, my hat for instance. There were things to put away in their right place things that just get put down somewhere and left for a few weeks 😬 I feel less stressed when these jobs have left my head because they are done ✔️

The weather is cloudy and not at all spring like but that suits me fine as long as it’s not raining though the air is damp with no sun shining through. I have a few flowers to do for customers this week, some today but mostly at the end of the week and then there are Friday flowers of course, they sell quickly most of the time and as the growth season gets under way there will be many more flowers and so many more to put out which will be fabulous.

John bought home a second hand commercial freestanding sink and drainer which we had found locally, we got it all cleaned up (it wasn’t too bad just some grease on a couple of the legs) and go that in the flower hut. They have a deeper sink so much better for getting the buckets in, it is difficult in a shallow sink to get the taller buckets in and get the tap over the top. It will only be used to fill the buckets and give them a swill so didn’t need to be anything too fancy. Flowers being picked up this evening and then I have an online meeting later tonight.

Tuesday: I keep thinking it’s Wednesday 🤷‍♀️ I have flowers to do for Thursday and thought I better get cutting ready for conditioning then realised it’s only Tuesday 🙄 The morning started badly with me waking up with pink eye and then later dropping a box of eggs as I was taking them out to the shed 😝 Maybe I should just sit quietly today 😂 I know I won’t though as the sun is trying to make an appearance, it still feels a tad cold out but it’s only 9am so if it stays out it will warm up to a beautiful spring day hopefully.

It is three years today that Dad passed away, where does the time go and how come it goes by faster the older you get 🤔

I spent a large part of the day weeding, Shelley called in and also got stuck in helping me with the never ending weed harvest 😂 I know you can eat a lot of them and I have made food from them before now but mostly they feed other animals or get composted. I also took some cuttings from a sedum and dug up some campanula seedlings and potted those up, getting free plants for another day is money saving and satisfying.

Wednesday: It is Mia’s birthday today, a whole seven years old, oh to be seven again lol. We will be popping over to see her later after she finishes school.

I am hoping it will be dry enough to get the towels washed and on the line today 🤞🙄 They are just finishing the cycle as I type, I have a hearty beef stew in the slow cooker along with a multitude of yummy veg so once the towels are out I am free to get on with the rest of my day. I will be lifting and cutting flowers today ready for Friday flowers plus a few other orders I have tomorrow and Friday. Once the season is underway I hopefully will have flowers available all week long but at this time of year I concentrate them to the end of the week. This way I don’t end up with flowers I haven’t sold and therefore money wasted.

I got another brew on the go yesterday, comfrey tea 😁 comfrey grows like mad here and so best to make good use of it by steeping it in water for a few weeks. It makes a stinking tea but it is great plant food so worth the effort, sustainable, natural plant food 🥰 Fill a bucket with the leaves, cover with water, cover the bucket (because of the smell) and leave for three weeks then use it at a 10:1 ratio the 10 being water. It has a high nutrient content due to the deep tap root being able to access deeper soils, high in potassium and nitrogen, it can be used as a spray (foliar) feed or watered onto the soil promoting good strong growth and good fruiting/flowering.

Having sung Biscuits praises saying she doesn’t try and get out (famous last words) she has got out three days running the little s**t 😂 The electric tape is up and clicking away so I know it’s on, I think she is literally climbing through the post and rail fencing 🙄 So plan b is put into action 😝 She is fenced off inside the smallest paddock we have so I lure Jack across with the showing of tasty hay and shut the gates at either side of the paddock. I undo the electric fenced off area and let them both roam the small paddock, the hopeful outcome will be that Jack helps to graze it right off and then he will go into the paddock next door while Biscuit stays in the eaten off one. Every now and then we will have to put Jack in there to help keep the grass down as it is growing well now. This is the plan, plans do not always go how they should, watch this space 👀 by the time I finish sorting this out it is lunchtime.

Over to see Mia after school to celebrate her birthday with her. I left the water on in the tunnel while I was away and this year I and using the timer on my watch to remind me to turn the water off again, so far that is working well though I did have to re set it twice while we were out as I had only set it for an hour.

Thursday: A sunny day with a stiff breeze making it feel cooler. I had a busy morning doing flowers, I have some orders going to customers today, some tomorrow and then the Friday flowers and jam jars. It is surprising how long it takes to do them all, it’s after 1pm and I have only just finished having been doing them all morning. Normally I would do them this evening but I have some deliveries to make after the twins have gone home and then it’s pool night for John so I have to squeeze it in-between the two 😝

Friday: Up before the alarm this morning to get things done, flowers needed to go out early for customers coming first thing, the bunches needed wrapping and the jam jar flower needed tying loosely. I was hoping to get it done before the alarm went off and John got up but he decided to get up early too 😝 He had to stand and eat his toast as I had commandeered the kitchen table, once the flower hut is ready this will no longer be a problem. I had early customers coming for eggs and honey to so I had to make sure all those were ready and out in the shed. My day is going to be like that today, I have an appointment at 9 Shelley is coming over around 10.30 to walk through things that she will be looking after while we are away, I have customers coming to collect flowers at other times of the day and I have someone coming to collect lambing equipment I sold online.

The weather was lovely yesterday and today it’s not! Colder and wet again urrgghh there is just no consistency to the weather patterns at the minute. On the sunny days you think ‘ooo Spring has sprung’ and then back to ‘oh it’s winter again’ 😂 it does not make life easy for growing things either, the fluctuation in temperatures in the greenhouse and poly tunnels confuse the plants and seedlings and things growing outside are trying but progress is slooooow. Hey Ho no two years are ever the same so at least we are used to ‘winging it’ 😜 All we can do is try our best.

Locally grown cut flowers, British grown cut flowers, flowers from the farm, Shilton, Oxon

Saturday: Foggy and cold start to the day, it took a good few hours for the sun to burn it off but when it finally did it was not a bad day though it ended with rain and was cold again. First thing this morning we went to town as I needed a good rain coat for our holiday ✔️ then stop to get some shopping ✔️ once home I needed to pick rhubarb and then take that along with flowers down to the pub ✔️ once back I spent an hour or so in the greenhouse potting on plants and then I had the twins for a few hours while Sam and Luke took Mia out for her birthday treat. They were very good and I had them picking all the dandelion heads off the lawn and feeding them to the torts. Then George helped me to dig up dandelions in the pathways, I think he thoroughly enjoyed that especially the great big ones. I seem to have an awful lot of them this year they were growing everywhere and in order to knock them back a bit I needed to dig them up. Not all of them obviously, I have left some smaller ones and I didn’t dig any out of the lawn they can stay and just be mown every now and then. They got hungry and we went inside for lunch and stayed in for the next hour as the sun went in and it got cold outside again. Once they had been collected I was straight back out on the dandelion mission while John cut the lawn. As I said in the beginning the temps dropped and the rain came 🙄 Joping for a half decent day tomorrow 😬

Sunday: It was, for the most part, a decent day 😁 the weather conditions were just about right for me and so I spent most of the time in the greenhouse potting on or pricking out seedlings. John was busy having a bonfire at the back and tidying up. Sam came over with the children, a friend and the friends daughter who goes to riding lessons with Mia. They spent some time grooming the horses then saddled them up for rides around the paddock, everyone, horses and children were very well behaved except Lucie who by all accounts played in the horses water bucket 😂 and then had to strip off because she was soaking wet, you gotta love a spirited carefree child 🥰

We went round to Mums later in the afternoon and we were there when the national test alarm sounded on our phones. Mums went off and then around 30 seconds later mine went off, apparently lots of people didn’t get it at all so it’s lucky it was a test signal and not the real thing 😝 We had a discussion about what exactly the alarm might sound for, we don’t have tsunami, we have fires but nowhere near the scale of some countries, I suppose flash flooding might trigger it but I am guessing the flood would be quicker than the alarm 🤷‍♀️ chemical leaks or explosions might well be on the list but they would be localised as would many threat to life situations such as a gunman on the loose. We concluded that a meteor strike or nuclear attack were what it is intended for 🤔 Which begs the questions, do they know something?

Posted in Friesland Farm

Flower arrangements, Easter weekend & some rather nice weather 🌞

Monday 3rd April 2023: It’s early and there was a frost but it feels like a typical spring day today, the sun is shining and melting off the frost pretty quickly. I am not sure it will be very warm but it’s not raining 😁 we have now had a couple of days without rain thank goodness as it was getting beyond funny. So it looks like I will be able to get outside and do something useful in the garden, no idea what yet as I haven’t gathered my thoughts entirely. It is also the Easter holidays for the children and a short week as we head towards the Easter weekend 🐰

I quickly whizzed round with the hoover and polish, cleaning is one of the tricky to find moments here 😂 When it’s raining there is no point because animals and humans just track muddy wet feet in and all efforts then become a waste of time. When it’s a fine day I just want to get outside and get on, but I do it for my own sanity, it is nice to have somewhere clean and fresh to come into when you have been busy outside all day. I am waiting for the days when I can get the windows thrown open and blankets and cushion covers out on the line to dry but there is no enough heat in the sun to do the job just yet.

It’s 3pm and I have spent most of the day outside in the garden, weeding and digging up perennial weeds especially stingers. I know they are great for wildlife but for the children not so much, you can guarantee if they trip over it’s always into stingers. I also spent a bit of time putting down weed membrane on the tricky area, I was unable to decide what to do for the best because there are things growing that that I want to keep but other things are failing and the weeds are rampant. So I dug up the bits I am keeping, cut back all the suckers from the apricot tree and covered over with weed membrane. It will probably stay for the rest of the year even though there is asparagus under there, it was usually a bit spindly anyway. Then Charlie and Oscar came so I stopped for a cuppa with them before sweeping off winter debris from the decking and sweeping out cobwebs from the pirate ship. I tried to start the lawn mower but it’s the new one and I haven’t used it before John usually does it so I have no idea how it starts 😂 The grandchildren are having an Easter egg hunt on Friday so I thought I would tidy up the areas that they will probably be looking around plus the jobs needed doing anyway. Inside for a quick sit down before going back out to get more work done.

At 3.30 I looked after Josh and Flo for a couple of hours then while John was feeding the animals and the dinner was cooking I cut the lawn. A good full day today I reckon, its nearly 7pm so dinner, wash up and sit down for what will be left of the evening, pooped.

Tuesday: I went to bed earlier than usual last night as I was so tired lol. This morning it’s a frosty start again but the sun is shining so hopefully another lovely day ahead and I can get a fair bit done outside. I have been holding off planting some things up but I think now is a good time to get them into the ground the trouble is there is always so many other things to do as well.

This morning I signed up to be part of a study group for Cambridge university, it’s a trial being funded by Lupus UK. The study is focused on mental health in long term illness and there are four groups and each will be doing something different, the forth is a control group that won’t be doing anything. I won’t know which group I am in until May but it will be interesting to take part and to see the results at the end. I think that most of the time you are just trying to get by and so are not aware of your mental health it’s just part and parcel of your life and your illness (even if you are stable) it’s not until you fill in a questionnaire and you analyse thoughts that you realise that things could be better 🤷‍♀️ On the whole I think I have a positive mental attitude but there are times and areas when that dips and during a flare it can dip pretty low but luckily I have not had one for a couple of years now (touch wood 🪵)

I spent the morning sorting out plants that had been potted up over winter, some went out for sale, some that never made it went to the compost heap and the rest I tidied up and are nicely stored in the cold frames. That meant plenty of empty pots and trays to be tidied away and sweeping up to do. I just finished when Shelley came with Josh and Flo quickly followed by Sam, Mia, George and Lucie, Charlie and Oscar arrived a little later. The weather was lovely enough to sit outside in the garden and the children had picnic lunch on a blanket. While the children were busy playing Shelley and I got the netting onto the top of the fruit cage and secured that in place, that’s another job done. I am hoping to keep the birds out entirely this year, I can never see where they get in but hopefully this year they can’t and I will have a good haul of raspberries, blackcurrants and strawberries 😋 Lucie was asking me where the strawberries and tomatoes are, I explained that I had to grow them first and it was too early yet 😂 I do love it that their memories will be of eating tomatoes and soft fruit from Nanas garden 🥰 We also saw a herd of large deer in the field next door, they are getting quite frequent as they were there yesterday as well.

Wednesday: I have showered, breakfasted, hung out the washing, put the eggs out, done the washing up, fed the dogs and cats and watered in the greenhouse all before 9am. I am now waiting for it to warm up just a little before going out to pick rhubarb and cut flowers now that there are some ready to cut 😁

I have been thinking about the subtle changes in the flowers and foliage as we move from week to week. I used to think only in seasons, seed sowing season, growing season, harvesting season and resting season which of course all roughly follow Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Since closely watching flowers on a daily basis though I came to realise that there are micro seasons too, they are very subtle changes but they are definitely there. I think I have mentioned it causally before but the more I watch the more I learn, there is a slow decline of early spring bulbs but at the same time slowly growing late spring bulbs and flowers are getting under way, the same can be said for early flowering foliage. I have recently read a book that confirms my observations and the lady that wrote it notes that she can identify three sections within each season. The ancient Japanese apparently identified 72 micro seasons in a year so I really must up my game and watch more lol.

I had a busy morning cutting flowers, prepping them for conditioning and then picking rhubarb, doesn’t sound a lot but it was a good couple of hours in all. Then Charlie arrived at lunchtime with Oscar and I looked after him for a few hours while Charlie went for an appointment. Nursery rhymes, naps (for Oscar not me) and feeding time all went smoothly, once Charlie had picked Oscar back up it was time to sort out the flowers. Making up bouquets and market bunches plus jam jar flowers also takes longer than it sounds but it is never boring 🥰 the smells are amazing and the result of what I have put together at the end are beautiful 🤩 A quick sit down and something to eat before going off to this months flower club meeting.

Flower club was fab, I had no idea what we were going to make the title was ‘tripods and test tubes’ 🤷‍♀️ It was somewhat laborious winding string around canes and test tubes but I think the outcome was great and in my head I was already up scaling it 😂 big rustic branches and tubular vases would would a treat for an occasion I think.

Thursday: Friday flowers are going out a day early this week so I was up early with plenty of jobs to do before getting the flowers out at 8am. I was on a multitasking mission which included getting something out for dinner, using the chop saw to cut wood for arrangement orders, drilling a piece of wood for the Easter tree and getting that set up, making up more jam jar flowers as they sold out quickly, cutting foliage for the arrangements I need to make, nailing the hazel whips to the wood and sorting out the dishes to be filled with moss for the arrangement, meeting customers and handing over their flower orders as well as all the usual jobs. Never a dull moment round here and no two days are ever the same.

I spent a couple off hours in the afternoon putting the foliage in the arrangements that are being collected on Saturday, I can’t do it tomorrow as we have a busy day. The twins arrived for their Thursday session while Mia went swimming, I get them their tea while they are here but George is a bit under the weather and not eating much unless it’s custard or yoghurt 😂

Good Friday: It’s a bank holiday today and we had a day of family fun. After getting the morning jobs done the grandchildren arrived for an Easter egg hunt in the garden which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. The weather was beautiful, blue skies and sunshine, I doubt it would have been as much fun in the rain! We sat in the garden for a good couple of hours eating hot cross buns and Easter cakes that Charlie made. After everyone left I added the flowers to the arrangements that had been ordered for tomorrow, a quick sit down before getting the afternoon jobs done and the off out for another family party. A farm outbuilding had been transformed into an exceptionally great pub called The Jolly Welshman for my niece’s partner it is his 30th birthday this week, bbq, beer on tap, bar snacks, optics and great furnishing they pulled off an epic feat there. We didn’t stay too late and we’re home by 10pm as the dogs needed letting out but we had a brilliant day.

Oscars first Easter 🐣
Inside The Jolly Welshman which was a farm building transformed!
A rare picture of John 😂
The Jolly Welshman himself, happy 30th birthday Alex 🎂

Saturday: Up and about quite early, it was frosty but again the sun is shining, oh and last night the moon was amazing, full, low and yellowy/orange and it could still be seen first thing this morning too. John did the animals and went off to get feed, I got the eggs sorted and did the last bits to the arrangements that were being picked up this morning. These gave me sleepless nights thinking about how best to do them and I don’t think I will be doing any more 😂 but I enjoyed the challenge and learnt along the way so that’s a win.

The various stages of the arrangements for collection today.

Once collected we went out to a local landscaping centre to look for some plants, didn’t have much luck and only found one that I wanted so we then drove to a garden centre. I found a couple more of the specifics I was looking for but still not all of them, I lost a few over winter and am trying to replace them but it’s proving difficult so maybe I will have to do without them for now. My runner beans were old seed and they are not amounting to anything, I considered buying plants but when I looked at the state of them for the price I decided to buy new seed instead 😜 Half of the plant trays had damping off problems so it didn’t look good for the rest of them in the tray 🙄 I looked at grafted tomato plants too but figured I will wait to see if my seeds sprout and if not there are usually plenty for sale locally. I just feel that germination is really slow this year, not sure why, maybe I say that every year then end up with too many plants 😂

I spent a bit of time in the garden, John fix the cracked fitting on the outside water pipe, we had to turn it back off in the week when we discovered it was leaking but we are all good now. I watered the ranunculus and anemone in the poly tunnel, the anemone are producing well and the ranunculus should start soon. I have plenty of tulips coming to the fore now lol probably too many but that’s better than not enough. Other plants are just starting to put on tiny growth and I am still waiting to see if some have made it or not. One or two of the dahlias are sprouting, they will stay in the greenhouse until the risk of frost has passed and then go out. Some are still in the ground and I won’t know if they have made it for a few weeks yet.

Sunday: Busy, busy, busy day, I have spent most of the day in the garden planting up everything that can be planted, some in the poly tunnel and some in the garden. If we are going to have rain I might as well make the most of the dry day today and the watering in by Mother Nature tomorrow. It was supposed to be sunny and blue skies but that didn’t appear luckily for me 😁 it meant it was a perfect day to be dong whatever needed doing and that included lots of weeding. I did spend an hour or so helping John, he was setting up the water tanks ready to catch the rain that is coming and needed me to help get the tanks up on the stands (easier said than done 😜) I also hoovered out the boot and the back seat of the car to remove the hay from last week 😝 I sowed some runner bean seeds, the ones that I had saved from a couple of years ago failed miserably so fresh seed was needed. I will try harder to save seed this year and make sure I use it the following year instead of leaving it. A few of the seeds I sowed last week are starting g to appear, the dwarf bean, broad bean and peas have tiny shoots in the greenhouse. Indoors the courgettes are beginning to sprout but no sign of the tomatoes yet 🙄 We are away for a week at the end of the month and I need to make sure that everything is under control before I go which is another reason to get as much in the ground as possible. Shelley is very capable at maintaining it all but not so confident with growing and transplanting not on this scale anyhow. Most veg plants won’t go in until I get back and I certainly won’t direct sow anything until I return. After 30 odd years of gardening I can tell the difference between a weed seed and a useful seed but it’s not fair to put that pressure on someone else!

John cut the front paddock with the ride on mower, too short of course 🙄 I did tell him to set the blades high but there is none so deaf as those that don’t want to hear 😬

Posted in Friesland Farm

A lot of rain this week, rhubarb picking begins & birthdays galore this month 🎂

Monday 27th March 2023: Gosh the month is rattling along isn’t it 🙄 This morning the weather looks promising 🙄 dry and I can see the sun though it is a tad cold at 8am mind you the clocks went forward so it will feel like 7am until we adjust and so will the temps lol. Hopefully it will stay dry we could do with a break from the dank outlook so it feels a bit more like spring.

I picked rhubarb this morning to put out for sale, I love rhubarb season it the first of the home grown crops to become available in any quantity. I then thought the best place to be working this morning in on the front beds as the sun has come out. So I spent some time weeding and also sorting out the supports for the taller plants such as delphiniums, lupin and chrysanthemums. I soon realised I am going to need to start wearing a hat and sunscreen 🙄 that would be way too early for most people but I can already feel the effects of the sun on my head 😒 I have two small problem areas as it is at the minute and if I don’t cover up chances are I will lose the hair and have even more bald spots than I already have. All winter long I mostly forget that I have an issue with the sun 😂 I eagerly await some real sunshine and then can’t spend very long in it without cover 😂 such is life, there are worse things but it’s a real pain sometimes (well a lot of the time really) I retreated indoors to dig out hats have a cuppa and skim through my new reading material before heading back outside suited and booted.

It’s a fine day and it’s best to make the most of it so I have been outside the whole time until mid afternoon. I have weeded, planted up raspberry canes, cut down the pussy willow next to the house and bundled that up for later use, weeded some more (quite a lot more 😝) and cut back suckers from trees. The area with the apricot and cherry tree is a tricky area, the apricot tree sends suckers out all over the place, the comfrey has taken hold as have the stingers and every other weed mentionable. I have the thornless blackberry growing there and some asparagus but I think I have decided to dig up what I want to keep and try to suppress everything else under membrane for the remainder of the year and see if I can regain some control. I have no idea what else I can do with it otherwise, nature is reclaiming it 😂

The temptation is strong to just keep going but I am of an age when I recognise that I need to stop and rest, if I kept going it would be half hearted so better to re charge and do the job properly and besides I need a Nana nap 😂

Tuesday: A totally different day today, raining, grey, dank. I whizzed round and did some polishing, hoovering and tidying away before Charlie came and we went to Witney with Oscar for a quick look round and a coffee. I needed some black shoes for my upcoming holiday, I have to admit defeat to high heels 😂 and go for lower shoes with comfort these days. The problem is the choice is awful, I am pretty sure shoe manufacturers could do a whole lot better than either shoes that feel like planks of wood to wear or glorified slippers 😝 it seems not. Charlie stayed for a while to feed Oscar when we got back and then went home. I had been fighting off a headache all morning but it got worse in the afternoon so I had a lay down and fell asleep, that still didn’t cure it even with paracetamol although it was a little better. I didn’t get anything else done other than make the dinner.

Wednesday: Grey and dank again today, good job I made the most of Mondays weather. My headache has gone thank goodness, it means I can focus on the day ahead. The farrier is coming this morning and so is a delivery of flowers. I had a quick look round the garden this morning the bridal crown are almost ready to start cutting and the tulips just need to put some stem length on and then they should be good to cut. I have a couple of ranunculus flowers emerging 😁 and the snakehead are doing daintily well, I am hoping to get time to practise some vase arrangements this week at some point. On Monday while I was weeding I took a quite a few rooted pieces of Nepeta and popped those into a jar of water. Nepeta (cat mint) was one of the surprises in the cutting garden, it’s abundant once it gets going, cut and come again, it has lovely textured foliage and a glaucous leaf plus it can get quite tall making it one of the best fillers for bouquets and bunches in my opinion, there is the tiny pretty blue flower of course which add to its usefulness and on the nature side of things the bees absolutely love it, win, win.

The farrier came and Biscuit has laminitis ☹️ she has not had it since we have had her though she has had it in a previous life. Gutted that we have blotted our score card, she seems ok with it though, the way she ran around the paddock you would never know 😂 That then meant a scort round to dig out all the fencing stakes, tape and electric and rig up an electrified pen which she will probably remain in for the whole spring and summer 🙄 As we had finished the last of the big hay bales during the cold snap we had to get some more in. Sam took Johns car and went to get a couple of small bales, we now have a car covered in hay 😝

I had a few deliveries due today which all came at various times, I then went out to do a bit of tidying up and burn some rubbish before coming in to make a cup of tea, just about to sit down when another delivery arrived. Shelley called in and so did Charlie with Oscar.

It’s 7.30pm and the rain is ridiculous, it has been raining on and off all day and now belting it down. We lose signal on the tv when it’s really bad, I think the satellite has been there so long it is breaking down. The only reason we have a freesat box is so that John can record programmes as he refuses to pay 😝 it is becoming obsolete technology and I would get rid and pay but 🤷‍♀️

I have a zoom meeting tonight on pruning 😁 always up for learning whatever I don’t already know.

Thursday: Another dull, grey day with the threat of rain 🙄 Getting bored of it now, fat or famine as always! I have a funeral to attend later this afternoon but the rest of the day is mine to decide what to do, governed by the weather of course. We just need some drier, warmer days to pick up our spirits here which are ebbing to be honest.

I managed to miss the showers walking to and from the church but it did rain a fair amount in between. Does anyone else feel that everything is on hold? I just can’t move things forward with the garden at all and there does not look like much let up over the next few days in fact tomorrow looks horrendous 😝

Friday: No change in the awful weather and it’s playing havoc with growing seedlings. I have some in the greenhouse that came through lovey and then pfft, one colder night and they keeled over. This morning after doing Friday flowers I went into the greenhouse to see how things are going. Some successes, some failures but all very slow. I sowed a tray of cucumber, peppers and tomato but I have bought the tray indoors to get going, I am tempted to plug the propagators in just to get it all going but as I have no idea how the weather is going to go long term I am not sure if that is a good idea or not. The problem is with heat I can get good plants under way but when they get to a size that they should be transplanted it could still be cold and then where do I move them to 🤷‍♀️ I have a feeling with all this rain that the outdoor flowers are just all going to come at once so I end up with a glut rather than a slow succession, it seems like a no win situation at the minute.

Tulips are just beginning to flower outside and next year I think I will try growing some in the tunnel, the risk there is mice eating the bulbs, it’s a never ending guessing game 😂

I cut my contorted hazel branch ready for the Easter tree, it needs to dry out a little before I decorate it and get it on display, it has some wonderful lichen on it though which adds to its charm.

Just gone 1pm and ffs it’s hammering down 🙄 I need to walk down to the pub to take some flowers and told them I am waiting for a dry spot 😂 might be a while. I shut the door on the flower shed initially because of the rain then I re opened it and now the rain is blowing in that direction I imagine they will be soaked. Oh our green and pleasant land is green for a reason I know but seriously we have not had much let up for four days now.

Saturday: Well that was a different start to the day, it’s 1st April so All fools day but this was no joke. The whole (pretty much) of the next town along woke up to no water (the irony is not lost on me after all this rain) the messages started first with Charlie asking if we had water, we did and I told her to come over and get some if she needed it. Next I messaged on the family page to say the same as many have young children and babies plus everyone needs their morning brew right 😂 Then the phone calls and messages started for John, being a plumber he was the first port of call for some but there was nothing he could do 🤷‍♀️ It is Mums birthday 🥳 today but she was over at 7.30 to fill up some containers 😂 The social media is going mad with all the questions to which the reply from any utility as always is ‘we are investigating’ 😝 Normally it’s us with either no water, no electric or no internet so it’s nice to offer help to others for a change. What worries me is that people have no idea how to cope in these situations 🤷‍♀️ I have a back up plan for most things here, battery powered lights, a store of bottle water (enough to get us through a couple of days) and solar powered battery charging pack 🙄 though the lack of sun might be the downfall there. I also have water cleansing tablets just in case the water is off for a long time (admittedly that would be some kind of disaster situation) and stores of food that is rotated for an emergency situation. If needs be we could dig a compost loo and rig up an outdoor shower (warmer months only 😝) As I type at 9 am it is apparently all kicking off down at the supermarket over the bottled water! It pays to be a bit of a prepper I can tell you, who knows what is around the next corner.

On the upside it’s nearly 4pm and we have had no rain today yet, dare not speak too soon mind you as the sky looks iffy. We have had a rare day off today, still the usual jobs have to be done of course, feeding, egg collecting but other than that nothing else here on the farm. We have been to town as I needed to get some new black trousers for my holiday, coffee and cake out and then round to Mums to say happy birthday and have more cake 😁 There were plenty of family coming and going so we stayed a longer than planned but it’s nice to have time off.

Sunday: Another dry but cold day though the sun came out in the afternoon there was still a chill in the air. Plenty of jobs done in the morning including some seed sowing and rhubarb picking, John cleaned out the birds and his van 🙄 Then we went out for lunch at our local pub, delicious food at the Rose and Crown, after that it was round to Shelley and Martins to wish him happy birthday and have tea and cake 😁 Back home in time to do the animals and clock off for the day.

Posted in Friesland Farm

1st day of Spring but not much warmth

Monday 20th March Officially the first day of Spring but still not much sign of any significant warmth during the day, we have the odd few hours but it is really putting things behind a bit. Having said that I have been busy so all is not lost, this morning I have got three more lots of soaker hose in place. I am determined that this is the year I nail the watering 😂 I rang John as I needed some stop ends for the hose and he couldn’t really get on with his day for various reasons so he came home and connected it all up for me. We tried out one lot which was fine, John went off to do some other jobs and I tried the one in the big tunnel, I got wet 😝 the connectors are all different and one of them just pinged off giving me a soaking 🙄 I have also been sorting out the fruit cage yesterday and today, the top netting has rotted so I got all off, measured up and ordered new. I cut back all the canes from the autumn raspberries as it is now time to do that and checked the summer raspberries. I have lost most of those 😏 the cold weather has killed off a lot and they are one thing that has succumbed also my fig tree and the cherry bush I think. The latter two I will leave for now and see what happens but I don’t hold out much hope. I ordered new summer raspberry canes both the red and yellow varieties oh yes I am not sure my olive has made it either. I have been weeding in the fruit cage and there are a lot of bindweed roots lurking under pots and so everything that comes out of there will be burnt and not go onto the compost heap. I now need to empty all the pots with dead raspberry canes but I want to save the compost providing there is no sign of bindweed 👀 The autumn raspberries are in the ground but the summer ones are all in pots as there is no room to put them into the ground. Hopefully I can get that all sorted before the new canes arrive, I might put some in the ground elsewhere just so that I can hedge my bets each year. This is the time of year to make sure everything is cleared, tidied, weeded, mulched and ready to go because once the growing season starts it gets very busy! More dahlias arrived today, these are a better colour than the others (growers choice) orange and white 🤪 They will probably turn out to be ones I absolutely love but I need a broader colour palette.

It has rained on and off for a large part of the day but only gentle rain in short bursts so not too bad and not cold either so I have worked through it.

It’s just gone 2pm and I am having a quick sit down as Sam will be picking me up in around 45 mins to look after the children while they go to the theatre tonight. At the minute the bus fairs are £2 single to help with living expenses and so they are taking the bus which turns a half hour journey into around 2hrs 😂 Still every little helps as they say 😁 I will be having dinner over at Sam’s so I have got John something from the freezer for him to reheat.

Tuesday: Another grey start to the day with the threat of rain, I guess at least you can call the weather settled 😂

It started of raining but soon cleared up although there were a couple of showers now and then. Shelley came over and we got a relatively big job done in the fruit cage. I have lost most of the summer raspberries (but have some on order) so I needed to empty out all the large pots clean up the compost and refill them ready for the new bare root plants. One of the problems I have in that area is bindweed and it had wrapped itself around the bottom of the tubs so that all needed carefully removing and taking for burning. I think there are around 12 tubs in total, I also disposed of the dead fig and the cherry bush. We had to dash into the big tunnel during one of the showers but we got the job done and finished which is fab. Later on in the day I tested all the soaker hoses I have set up and I have partially set one up in the fruit cage though it needs sorting out and pegging down properly. I also ordered 100m more soaker hose and connectors for the front beds as this (I am hoping) is going to be a big time saving addition to the large areas of garden that take hours to water with a hand held hose. One of the problems is that the beds do not run in straight lines, if they did it would be much simpler 😂

Wednesday: We had a bit of sunshine today 😁 though it was coupled with a ‘stiff breeze’ and when the sun went behind the clouds the breeze was quite cold. Shelley came over again today for a couple of hours to help in the garden, it makes such a difference when you have someone to work with, chivvys you along a bit 😝 We worked on the runner bean area this time and now it is all cleared and ready for planting but that will not be until May. It is also an area heavily infested with bindweed so again everything went to the burning pile and weed membrane re secured. Charlie also walked over with Oscar for a visit and I introduced him to the horses, he took that introduction like he takes everything, unperturbed 😂

I really need to get on with a bit (lot) of seed sowing now, this year I am using coir mixed with vermiculite as a substrate. I have found that the compost quality has deteriorated quite a bit over the last few years and am only using that for potting on. The coir is lighter and the added vermiculite gives more aeration for the roots. Seeds do not need any nutrients until they have produced the first true leaves, they have all they need packed into that little seed case to reach the surface and sprout cotyledon (embryonic leaves) the next two leaves produced are then the true leaves of the plant. Likewise a bulb does not need any nutrients, everything it needs to get to a certain point and only then will need feeding. Coir is a low nutrient substance and so it’s ideal for seed sowing.

Rain in the evening on and off.

Thursday: A tremendous amount of rain in the evening and through the night but a dry start to the day although very windy! I started off early by cutting some pussy willow for this weeks flowers, unfortunately I managed to snip the top of my ring finger while I was at it. Luckily not bad enough to have to get it seen to, our extensive first aid kit had all I needed 😝 After repairing myself I went into the greenhouse to sow broad beans and a few more sweet peas. I had deliveries arriving this morning so was waiting for those when BT turned up to do an annual check on our telegraph pole. They dig round the bottom of it, drill a tiny hole into it, tap it all the way up to the top to check for any rot. It has a good bill of health apart from some minor woodpecker damage 😂 Just as he left the first delivery arrived and I had just dealt with that when the second one arrived. The second one was a bit of a mission, I had bought some old wooden marquee doors from and local company for the workshop. They are the ideal size and perfect for what I want, what I didn’t realise is that I had purchased two sets 🤣 value for money or what but now I have a spare set of marquee doors if anyone wants any. They would make an ideal front to a garden room 😀

A sit down at lunchtime was in order after a frantic hour or so, I have some bouquets to make up this week and also a spring wreath so I will sit and think about those for a while.

I went back outside and cut some foliage and some daffodils, I have flower orders before they even go out tomorrow for Friday Flowers so not sure what if anything will be left to go out 🙄 I need to pop some flowers down to the pub and be back in time for looking after the twinnies. They are growing up fast and are at that fabulous age when conversations are hilarious and entertaining.

In the evening I made up two big bouquets and a couple of Market bunches.

It rained heavily most of the evening and into the night.

Friday: A bright and dry start but I won’t hold my breath as the rain does not look far away. This morning the first job was to make a spring wreath for collection later today and wrap the bouquets for collection as well. I put out the two bunches I had but they were sold by 9.30! The flower side of things has really taken off and at times it can be manic but it’s also fabulous to have that kind of reaction and support from customers. It is only 10.30 but I need a sit down and a coffee, collect my thoughts about the next couple of weeks ahead regarding flowers.

Spring wreath, Friesland Farm Flowers, Shilton, Oxfordshire, Xut flowers, British grown flowers

I did a bit in the greenhouse as the weather is changeable 🙄 one minute sunshine, next it’s windy and raining. I pricked out some scabious and purple tansy seedlings, potted on some gypsophila, cornflower and lavender and sowed some craspedia and snow princess marigolds. Most of the orders have been collected this morning, just one left for this evening, and have plenty to do as Mia, Josh and Flo are coming to stay tonight. I need to fling the hoover round, give the spare room a once over and get some shopping at some point but for now I am having a sit down. I seem to be struggling with fatigue again at the minute, there is always something 🙄 I am ok for the morning then take a bit of a dive, rest and then can get back at it in the afternoon.

I managed to get shopping done just after lunch, John came home and we went to get some goodies for the kids later. I was hoping to cook sausages outside but I am not sure that is going to be possible, I think Mother Nature it is convinced it’s already April with the amount of showers we are having at the minute.

Some of the raspberry canes arrived, I have put them in water and will plant up over the weekend. The soaker hose arrived, I said to the postman, I got this in case we get a drought this year, with the weather as it is at the minute the irony was not lost on either of us 😂

The children arrived and the weather didn’t improve so we had to cook indoors which is a shame but maybe another day. I think they enjoyed themselves, eating, bathing, watching a movie and finally sleeping 😝

Saturday: Josh and Mia were up first shortly followed by myself, then John and finally Flo around an hour later. On the breakfast menu was cereal, fresh fruit, pancakes (with every topping) apple juice and chocolate milk 🥰 Once the parents had collected them I went outside to get a bit done, the three beds in the front now all have soaker hose in place. We bought a y shape hose connector and the hose goes round in a loop, I tested it and it’s going to work really well it will be Sod’s Law that we don’t have any dry periods all year now! I also sowed some seeds in the greenhouse, cosmos, celosia for flowers but also runner beans and peas. I planted up most of the sprouted onion sets, around 36 I think which def won’t last us all year so I may plant up a lot more yet I just need to find somewhere for them to go.

Sunday: More rain 🙄 I know we need it to fill the reservoirs after later summer but seriously 😒 what’s more it’s colder with it today which makes it even more unpleasant. My first job in the greenhouse was to start potting up the dahlia tubers to wake them up. The ones in the front beds do not get lifted and I won’t know until they start to sprout or not if they made it through the winter. The others in the back beds did not get lifted in time and so most of those are lost, it has been a bad winter even for stored dahlias with many people losing tubers. The ones I potted up are new tubers in various colours, pink, red, orange and some white, I think there are 20 in total fingers crossed they are all viable. once that was done and as it’s not sunny I decided to tackle the soaker hose in the big tunnel, one side works fine the other side just keeps leaking at the connection point. I have tried various different connectors and this is the third time I have tried to sort it getting soaked each time I try. The rain and cold outside and getting wet inside just about naffed me off to the limit and so I have given up for now, John tried as well but although he achieved less leakage than me it still leaks. Hosepipe connecters and fittings are the pits they never seem to work well for long even when you replace the washers or if you buy the more expensive ones, I imagine the shares are pretty good for investors as the turnover must be huge keep replacing them all the time 😂 It’s Sod’s Law that every other line I have put in and tested works fine but not the one I want to use right now! I will try again tomorrow and see if I can get it working any better 🤷‍♀️

I spent almost 2 hrs sorting out my plant labels and either putting them into alphabetical order or group order. The flowers shrubs etc are all in alphabetical and the fruit/veg/herbs are all in groups. They are then stored in bags inside a plastic tub. Some of the labels I have had for a good number of years (up to 10) some have become too brittle and I have put those in the bin. I have tried wooden ones but the ink runs in the rain or the pencil disappears and you can’t read them so I use plastic. At the end of the year they are all gathered up if they are no longer being used and thrown into a small plant trough, I then have the task of sorting them all out at this time of year. Some of them can be cleaned off so that I have new blanks but most are written with a sharpie and that does not come off lol. They are used year after year for many years so that is the trade off, when I find something better I will definitely make the change ( I did then order wooden ones as I couldn’t bring myself to order plastic 😝)

Posted in Friesland Farm

Flowers, a bit of work in between & more flowers 😝

Monday 13th March: Eeeek it’s a big week this week with Mothers Day on Sunday, by the time I publish this I will have worked with 4/500 stems of various flowers and foliage 😲 and who knew I would absolutely love every single minute of it 🥰 My own flowers are slowly emerging so I still can’t use those but what I will be using are 100% British grown flowers and foliage and not a single stem imported. This is massively important to me, there are lists with wonderfully tempting flowers of all kinds on them, am I tempted, of course I am, would I do it, not a chance. I have been happily connected with British growers and sellers for a year now and each and every one of them is passionate about British grown flowers, sustainability, nature friendly gardening/farming and packaging materials, I have found my tribe 🙌

Why is it so important to me? Well just like food production I think it’s important to know what you are eating, where it comes from and how it was grown/reared and the more I learn the more I know it’s the right way for me. If I can convince a few others along the way then that is a great thing, the more of us on the same road the better off the planet will be.

It is a windy morning this morning, have I ever told you I hate the wind 😂 (many times) it is just that everything clanks and groans around here when it is so windy. My ultimate fear is the roof blowing off, sheets of tin flying around is not something I want to see, they are secure but Mother Nature is fierce as we all know and she can do whatever she wants if she sets her mind to it. It’s not that bad out there but a fear is a fear and not easily shrugged off 🙄 I have a plethora of jobs to chose from this morning, the cleaning needs doing, the bed needs stripping which means plenty of washing (too windy to get it on the line though) the hens at the back need cleaning out and so do the ducks. All the while the week ahead is buzzing round in my head, jobs to do in the flower garden, Mother’s Day flower payment links to go out, Friday flowers, Flos birthday, flower seeds to order, veg seeds I haven’t got yet that I need to order, what to get for dinner later. Another cup of tea before I begin I think lol.

I cleaned, hoovered, polished most of the rooms, changed the bed sheets and put the washing on and by early afternoon sat down for lunch. Charlie came over with Oscar and I looked after him while Charlie went and did her weekly shop. It didn’t go too well, he went to sleep but woke up 10/15 minutes later and I could not pacify him at all 😂 luckily Charlie was not away too long. You think as a seasoned parent you will be able to deal with most things as a grandparent but if you don’t have the milk on tap you are onto a loser 😝

Tuesday: A better day weatherwise though still not that warm and intermittent rain so unless it warms up as the day goes on I am not planning on going outside much. I did check the seedlings and plants in the greenhouse though and things are coming on nicely although we have temps dropping to around -5 again tonight 😏 hopefully that will be it for a while. We need some sunshine/warmth after the rain to get everything growing and the tree leaves sprouting, the buds are there but they are holding off for the time being.

The sun came out and there was a job I needed to do that was in the small tunnel so I figured today was a good day to do that and besides I wanted to get it done so that the tunnel was good to go when the time came. I could have waited for John to do it but to be honest he has a lot of projects on the go already plus the day job so I put my entry level carpentry skills into action. We have wood lying around so I measured what needed, gathered up the wood, got it all sawn to length and put it altogether 😁 I am suitably impressed with myself I can tell you.

Find some suitable wood, screws, saw, tape measure and cordless screwdriver……..
…….and build this 😁 the extra box I needed to finish down one side of the small tunnel 🥰

I just need to line it and fill it with compost, the seep has been cut to size and in the first photo you can see the piece of hose that links the two seep hoses together. I will now be able to attach a water hose to the end and leave it to water itself for an hour or two while I get on with other jobs 😁 ✔️

One of my main aims this year is to get the seep hoses in place beforehand, usually I am trying to lay them when everything has started to grow 😝

Wednesday: We had a frost this morning so it was quite cold over night but not the -5 they predicted I don’t think, the reason I say that is because the puddles were not frozen at 7.30 this morning so it can’t have gone down that low 🤷‍♀️ The temperatures are already up and I think it will be quite a nice day all in all. It is Florence’s 5th birthday today, oh to be five again 🥰 When I was five I was living in Swinbrook and being put on the school bus each morning to go to school in Burford, I can’t imagine that happens much these days 😬

Preparations begin for the Mothers Day flowers, first thing this morning was bucket washing. Buckets for conditioning the flowers need to be scrupulously clean, bacteria in the water is the main cause of premature decay in cut flowers, they are scrubbed with washing up liquid and warm water then thoroughly rinsed and dried ready to go. There will be wrapping to prepare and sundries such as string, raffia and tape to check (just in case I don’t have enough) All the wrapping I use is compostable, even the cellophane is plant based and the sellotape is plastic free 😁

John is at home today working on the flower workshop, I am not really sure what else to call it, I already have the small flower shed in the driveway and studio seems a bit presumptuous so if anyone has an idea please put it in the comments.

I spent most of the first half of the morning sorting out wrapping for the flowers, if I can pre do as much as possible it will save time when I start making up the bouquets. I also had vases to wrap and they are also done and ready to go. Next it was time to go outside and start cutting foliage, the pussy willow is amazing and it has sprouted up everywhere in the ménage 😂 I am thinking I might use this space for growing foliage, seems like a good use as it no longer gets used for the horses. I also cut some of the remaining stems from the willow trees, the stems have now turned a lovely orange colour, I already had some vibrant green stems of a dog wood and I added to that some lilac stems that are still in bud. Then it started to rain and it was quite cold with it so I abandoned that for the time being, tomorrow I will cut some more of anything useful I can find 😁

Went round to see Florence for her birthday 🥳 and eat cake 🎂🥰

Thursday: Drizzle first thing this morning but it feels warmer than of late, we could do with some sunshine though, it would help all the growth along now we have had some rain. It is flower delivery day today and boy have I got a lot of British grown flowers coming 😂 I have also been cutting whatever I have here that is ready. This morning I have cut hellebore and a few anemone, some honey berry that is just beginning to flower and some trailing ivy. I have got lots of flowers to make up in various forms for Mothers Day, bouquets, bunches and grave flowers and can’t wait until the flowers arrive, I have gone over and over the number I will need but as it is the first year I am panicking that I haven’t ordered enough 🙄 Once they are here and I can see exactly what I have I can then allocate some to Friday flowers and for other orders I have that are not Mothers Day related. I will have help tomorrow afternoon and evening, Charlie has offered to give me a hand which is great otherwise I think I would be working into the small hours 😂 I am loving it though and already thinking about things I can do for Mothers Day next year!

Once the flowers arrive they will all need sorting and conditioning, some need different kinds of treatment but basically they all need to sit in water in a cool dark place to take up as much moisture as the stems can hold. The hellebore I cut this morning all have a tiny 1mm line scored right down the stems and are immersed up to the flowers so that they can uptake as much as possible, the anemone just stand in water so you can see that some are more high maintenance than others.

As it often does, everything happened at once, I had a phonecall from Johns business insurance that I was in the middle of payingwhen the first delivery of flowers arrived quickly followed by the second delivery. I needed to get them all in water asap, they smelt amazing and the colours of the tulips were fabulous.

This gorgeous lot will all be turned into Mothers Day bouquets and bunches 🥰

Sam arrived straight from school with the children ready for Mia’s swimming lesson. They came bursting in and were all excited about having a bath a Nana’s, the reason Sam had said they would be having a bath is because they had been playing in the mud at Nursery and were mud splattered everywhere 😂 Time is tight on a Thursday for Sam so factoring in a bath when they get home from swimming is pushing it a bit, a bath at Nana’s was the solution. The question I asked them first is ‘did you have fun playing in the mud’ happy faces and shouts of yes was all the confirmation needed 🥰 I have never known children so happy to be having a bath, Mia on the other hand was mighty upset because she had to go swimming and would have preferred to stay and have a bath with them lol. I bathed them, washed their muddy hair and faces, and got their dinner, at least once they got home they would be ready to go to bed.

Friday: It’s Friday 😁 not any old Friday and definitely Friday flowers day but this time it’s all mothers day flowers. It will be a busy day and I am nervously excited about doing them all 🥰

Blimey 5pm and just finished, that was back breaking work lol, to be fair I did look after Oscar for a couple of hours while Charlie did the wrapping 😝 but still it was a full day of prepping, bunching, wrapping and tidying up. I think I need a nap!

I did manage to get Friday flowers out too which was a bonus. I made up five bunches and they would t all fit in one buckets and touch the water so I put them into two buckets. When I went out later someone had bought a bunch but then put the other bunch into the second bucket and took the bucket as well! I wouldn’t mind but I was really stretched for buckets with all the bunches and bouquets I had made up, I can only assume they used it so the car didn’t get wet and are planning on returning it 🙏

Saturday: I was awake early so got up made a cuppa and went back to bed to listen to a podcast. The electric went off at around 6am but luckily came back on five minutes later, I decided I may as well get up and have breakfast. I have a busy day of flower collections today but I do want to get other jobs done as well. I have asked John to reconnect the mains outside now that we have a mild period of weather coming up, it is so mild this morning I stood outside in my pjs and drank my tea 😁 First though he has gone to the builders merchant to get so bits for the workshop, I asked him ‘while you are there can you buy me some more buckets please’ 😂 builders buckets will have to do for now.

I had a delivery of dahlia tubers arrive yesterday, I have lost most of mine this year because of the cold weather, hopefully the ones in the front beds will have survived.

Oooosh it’s nearly 4.30pm I am on nearly 12,000 steps and my back is aching but Mothers Day flowers are done, collected and I am pooped. I spent half the time weeding in the garden and the other half with customers collecting flowers, it’s been amazing and I have loved every minute of it. Shelley came over with Josh and Flo mid afternoon and we dug up carrots, the kids washed them and then they took them home ready for roast dinner tomorrow, luckily we are invited 🥰 I also sold all the Friday flower bunches from the shed as well as a jam jar, there still some narcissi and daffs left but that is it 😁

On a sadder note the female Turkey, Tedalena, died yesterday ☹️ and now Ted is alone again, to be honest she wasn’t in the greatest shape when she came to us and that was more to do with her breeding than anything so I am surprised she lasted this long, the avian lockdown has not helped matters either.

Sunday: We spent the first part of the morning working outside, I have been weeding and moving pots of plants around, monitoring the seeds I have growing in the greenhouse, watering if necessary. Big Billy the tort has woken up and is moving around, he is still in the greenhouse until he acclimatises and then will go out, Voldertort is not mobile yet. It’s Mothers Day and Charlie and Macca came over with Oscar mid morning for a while, then we nipped off to the garden centre and when we got back Sam, Luke and the children arrived. Once they left we went round to see my Mum and then onto Shelley’s for a roast dinner 😁 Busy day but really lovely.

Lots of plants and trees are just beginning to spring into life which is fabulous, a bit behind this year I think but they will catch up easily enough. I spend a lot of my time looking and wondering exactly where I am going to be planting all the seedlings once they are big enough and trying to weed and tidy areas ready for when that time comes, but there is always so much to do 😝

Well that was the week that was all about Mothers Day flowers, it has been an epic week, I have loved it even though it was pretty full on, I will now spam the blog with pictures 😂

Friesland Farm Flowers Shilton, farm grown or British grown flowers and foliage, bunches, bouquets, wreaths, Shilton, Oxon

And the good thing is I am already getting repeat business 🥰 so something is right x

Posted in Friesland Farm

Rain, lots of learning & and holibob booked.

Tuesday 10th January 2023: I am feeling a lot better now but the weather leaves a lot to be desired doesn’t it? I am of an age now though when I am totally at peace with ‘what doesn’t get done today will eventually get done at some point’ so don’t stress over it life is too short for that. There is plenty that I could be doing outside but it’s too wet and so it can wait until it is pleasant enough to go out and do it which will be far more enjoyable. I can find lots to do inside and I can find lots to research, read up on or plan which is exactly what I have been doing. I have done some costings for the workshops and roughly planned the times of the year when I will do them, I have made a note of significant flower dates through the year so I know when they are and I have brushed up on some skills so you see I have not been idle at all. Yesterday morning I spent the time sorting out all of the dried flowers I had hung at the end of the season, they are now all nicely stored and ready to do something with when the time comes and the dried flower area is clear ready for hanging the next lot though that won’t be for a while yet. I invested a tiny amount of my profit in a lighting ring to take better photos, I did one practice photo this morning and it is going to make such a difference. All I did was take a snap of clutter on the side but the with and without shots are so different that I can see it was a worthwhile purchase. I also bought a ground auger which attaches to a drill to plant bulbs, again a game changer as you can plant soo many more in less time plus the auger is doing all the hard work for you (especially on this ground which is very difficult to dig in places) I have a lot of bulbs left over and want to put them all down the driveway but having planted some before I know that it is hard work, hopefully this will be a much easier way 🤷‍♀️ I do keep looking at the garden thinking I need to do some cutting back and some weeding but I am also aware that plenty of insects will be hibernating or overwintering in all that dead stuff so I don’t want to disturb them too early, I need to get the balance right. The insect population is in massive decline 😞 we need to be doing all we can to increase diversity in our garden areas. We all know about what plants butterfly’s and bees like but there are thousands more insects that need our support, ground dwellers need healthy soil and plenty of cover or decaying debris, pollinators need a wide range of different types of flowers and foliage. I believe it is up to us to provide a rich diverse garden area to increase the different species of insects and their volume, this is regeneration.

Friday 13th: The weather is shocking lol, rain and lots of it, plenty of water sitting in our paddocks and the Ford in the village is about to spill over I think 🙄 especially if we get as much as is forecast tomorrow. What have I been up to over the past couple of days, well I would like to say I had been outside working on the garden but I haven’t. I figure that it will all wait until the weather is a little more settled and nicer, I have become a fair weather gardener over the last few years. I no longer want to get soaked or end up with chilblains on my feet or have hands that are so numb they take an age to get the feeling back, nope I am definitely moving into my wiser years 😂 Instead I have been finding plenty of jobs indoors including clearing through my entire wardrobe and finally getting rid of stuff I either don’t like or doesn’t fit (and I hang on to it in case one day it miraculously does 🤪) all gone and it feels great. I will be continuing to move through the house with the same determination to declutter everywhere.

I was unaware it was Friday 13th until I typed the date ☝️ up there but it seems fitting somehow that today was the day I chose to begin an online course in funeral flowers 🤷‍♀️ I have no idea what really prompted me to do it but I figured it was another string to my bow. The course is all about sustainable, compostable methods and is geared towards, but not exclusively for, natural or green burials, it seemed fitting somehow and I figured any skills and tips were transferable to other areas so it was a no brainer really 😁

Saturday: More rain, high winds urrrggh I am so done with winter already 🤪 It does offer me the opportunity to stay in the warm and do something useful though. So plenty of learning on the online course which I have to say is very comprehensive and informative I am so glad I decided to do it and as I suspected there are skill transfer opportunities all the way through so great value for money in my opinion. I have also spent some time researching various plants and flowers as well as looking through lots of social media (flower related naturally) watching you tube sessions and listening to podcasts of various types. Yes that is what winters are for I think but still I eagerly await the warmer days. I have also ordered some British grown flowers so that I can have a play and a practise doing a few things 🥰 that will feed my flower habit for a bit. To be honest I have to do some homework/task for the online course using what is available at this time of year, I do have some bits in the garden but I don’t have any narcissi out yet and I want to have a go at using those as well so I ordered some in. I was really saddened to see that one of the cottages in the village was having some landscaping done and had all the mature shrubs ripped out 😢 omg I used to walk past and think ‘look at those lovely specimens, I would love to be able to cut some of those’ I wish I had been there when they started ripping them out, I would have told them I will come and get them, a piece with a root would have been enough. I don’t know what they are replacing the lovely old walls and shrubs with but I can hazard a guess that it will be pretty sterile now 😔 There should be laws against it lol or at least proper consultation with someone who has half an idea about nature 😭

Sunday: Not a bad day weather wise, no rain at least 🤪 I did a quick online workshop for making reels 🙄 this has become more important as time has gone on as the algorithms favour these kind of posts over stills. To be honest I just like to keep up (as best as possible) with technology and it’s avenues, it is surprising how quickly you get left behind otherwise. I put some beef in the slow cooker and we went to my sisters for a mid morning coffee where we got waylaid and booked a holiday while we were there 😁 John is very happy now we have one on the calendar and we will be booking another for later in the year. It is a big year for us, John will be 60 😳 in June and we will have been married for 40 years (how the heck did that happen 🤷‍♀️) I have secured myself some rubies to mark the occasion 😉 and I feel we deserve a few nice holidays and day trips this year of all years 🥰 Shelley, Martin and the children walked over to visit in the afternoon (I did invite them for dinner but they were already going to Martins Mums) and once they had gone we had a lovely roast dinner with a crumble for after. The temperatures are set to plummet tonight, a lot lower than they have been anyway but with that should come sunshine tomorrow ☀️ so I will look forward to that.

No photos this week as I haven’t taken any but I will try and remedy that, in the meantime:

Posted in Friesland Farm

2023 🥳 Happy New Year

Friday 6th January 2023: We are already the first week into the new year, a time for new beginnings, hopes, dreams and plans. I will briefly recap what happened since I last blogged.

The day after returning from Lapland I came down with a bug, nothing surprising there really but it went on for days and days, nausea, cold, shivering, extreme tiredness, not really what you want in the run up to Christmas as I could barely function. Couple that with the minus temperatures all week long and the difficulties of getting water to the animals every day and life was a tad difficult for a while. I had Christmas table decorations to get made for orders but I could hardly function normally let alone creatively. I had also agreed to make something for the church pulpit from dried flowers.

Thursday 15th December: The temp on the van was registering -10 at 7.30am this morning so what it went down to overnight is anyones guess. This year has definitely been extremes in temperature, I think that might be the coldest we have had here. Hopefully today it is going to get above 0 which will be a massive help because trying to get water to all the animals is bloody difficult I can tell you.

At one point I did think I would have to cancel the Christmas orders or at least put them off but by the designated date I was able to get them all made and off to customers so that was good. It made me realise that I probably would strike weddings off my possibility list because if the Lupus flared I would not be able to fulfil the order and I wouldn’t want that.

I just about felt well enough by the 20th to go out and get the last of the Christmas shopping bits and I never normally leave it that late. By the 23rd I was feeling normal and looking forward the the festivities, we had Christmas carols that evening round the pond which has a Christmas tree in the middle which was a lovely start to Christmas. A lovely relaxed Christmas Eve, Charlie, Macca and Oscar for Christmas Day and then everyone for Boxing Day breakfast and round to Shelley’s for supper in the evening. I was feeling very content, happy and lucky, we went round to my sisters the day after Boxing Day and by now I had developed a tiny irritating cough but nothing too much. Well the cough got worse, much worse, to the point where I was having to hold my side during coughing fits as I was afraid it would herniate, I couldn’t sit down or lie down without spasmodic coughing fits that became continuous. Along with this came sinusitis, a fuzzy head, loss of hearing and I went though a whole pack of toilet rolls just getting rid of the mucus. I felt pretty sorry for myself and was mostly confined to the sofa for what seemed like an eternity. It’s a good job we didn’t have NYE plans and we were supposed to go to Charlie for New Year’s Day dinner but she was ill and so we didn’t go until the following day. All in all Christmas has been about illness and not just for me as I know lots of people who have had similar experiences and are struggling to shrug the bugs off.

I am still not well, better but not well and as luck would have it I had a telephone appointment with the rheumatology dept on the 4th. That was actually pretty constructive and thorough, the upshot is that because I am on the immune suppressants my body can’t fight off the bugs successfully. I have also had an ongoing UTI which at this point I have had three lots of antibiotics for but I can’t shift it. No wonder I feel so poorly, there will be a meeting to discuss how to treat me, it will be a tightrope walk 🙄 Basically in order for my body to fight these infections I will probably need to come off the immune suppressants in order for the antibiotics to work but that in turn could then trigger a Lupus flare, I am stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea. Obviously I need my body to repair and I don’t think it is going to do that while I am on the medication, the gamble will be how long to I stop it for before it becomes too long 🤷‍♀️

What else happened over Christmas, well we had a weird thing happen when I couldn’t find Diesel’s bowl one morning. He gets fed by the back door and has a stainless steel bowl, this particular morning it was gone and despite searching for it I could not find it. So I found another bowl and used that for his morning and the night feed, the next morning that bowl was gone as well 🤪 I imagine it was a fox that carried them off but where too that is the question. We did find one right at he back in one of the paddocks but never found the other yet. One of those nights I woke up at 1.30 with a coughing fit and could hear something up on the roof, I went into the boot room and the dogs and cats were fast asleep so it wasn’t any of them, also not human otherwise the dogs would have been barking. It was definitely heavier than squirrels or birds so again I am thinking the fox was up there maybe eating the last of the apples that were on the roof still. I told John in the morning and he said ‘didn’t you go out and have a look’ no I bloody didn’t lol, I have watched too many horror films to be that stupid 😂

John has been busy, while I was incapacitated, taking down the partitions in the stable area in order to rebuild it into a work shop for the flowers. He also had to do everything else bless him as I literally could not do anything. Normally I would have spent the time planning the year ahead and working out what I want to get done, what needs planting/sowing and this year what workshops I want to offer but I have not been able to do any of that at all. I have bulbs that arrived that are just sat outside, I have not checked on any of the seeds or bulbs I had already sown for at least a month now but none of that can be helped and I am sure I will catch up at some point. The weather apart from that very cold snap has been mild, mild means plenty of rain, plenty of rain means the front paddock has a lake in it, standard stuff for winter.

That in a nutshell is how the last month has gone for me, illness, Christmas, more illness and not a lot else getting done at all. But as always I am not one to be defeated and so I will keep doing what I can in bite size pieces until I get to where I need to be 😁 I want to be offering various flower workshops this year coming, I want to increase the amount of flowers I sell and I want to make sure I have flowers available on a regular basis so that customers know when they can come and get them. I am looking forward to this next year and seeing what it brings plus I will be getting back on track with the home grown veg which went a little by the by last year, those are my plans at least, we will see how they go.

Today I am going to be clearing and tidying the office/craft room which has become clogged with all manner of things. Dried flowers, craft stuff, Christmas stuff, it all needs sorting and putting away so that I can see what is what in there again. I was going to go out with the girls today but I have decided that I need to limit the possibility of picking up any more bugs. Firstly I don’t think my body can handle much more and secondly I would worry about my chances if I had to end up in hospital with the state of things at the minute 😔 I don’t think the outlook would be good to be honest. The state of the NHS has been a hotly talked about topic as you can imagine, my take on it is that undoubtedly there has been a lack of funding but I also think there is far more to it than that. Purely from a laypersons point of view the system is broken in so many areas it would be difficult to know where to start. It needs looking at from a fresh point of view instead of trying to patch up the holes, easier said than done but maybe that is what happens with anything, a system reaches capacity, collapses and a new system is born.

We have had the first goose egg of the year, that is ridiculously early but as it is so mild not unexpected to be honest.

We are well into the New Year and so as I publish this today I have some exciting plans to look forward to and implement, I already have enquiries coming in which is both fabulous and daunting at the same time 😂 but ‘go big or go home’ Charlie has told me so here I am jumping in both feet first 🤪

Posted in Friesland Farm

Eggs, bee swarm & a million and one jobs to do.

Monday 16th May 2022: Unlike a usual Sunday evening, I didn’t sit down, instead I made cakes 🙄 simple 2lb loaf cakes, four lemon and two chocolate. The chocolate ones were made with oil instead of butter because I ran out of that. I definitely managed to use up a few eggs though and as it stands I will have 9 cakes in the freezer for future use 😂 Always handy when we don’t have any eggs in the winter, if we still have loads of eggs when I get back from holiday I shall start among other things, not sure what yet but I will find some recipes I am sure, and I will also start freezing them, might as well. John was also busy out strimming until it started to rain, hopefully we will continue to get some showers over the next couple of days, we really need to replenish the water table.

Actual Monday 😁 I spent nearly all of the morning sorting out clothes ready for packing, all of mine anyway, still have Johns to do yet. He was supposed to be just popping out to replace a set of taps, by 1pm he had not returned, I phoned him and he had had multiple phone calls from customers for various small jobs so had decided to get them done. That’s all well and good but I was waiting to go into town and pick up a few last things for our holiday. Eventually he returned and off we went. Went we got back we had a quick rest before cracking on with some jobs in the evening, mine mostly involved cleaning the washing machine and hoovering the boot room😝 nothing very interesting today.

Tuesday: Started off well with getting some things done in the garden areas, putting up some trellis for a couple of climbers that will ramble over the dog kennels. They have dual purpose, cover the shape you looking kennel structure and provide some lovely foliage for flowers next year 😁 Meanwhile John was fixing wood to the bottom of the gates to stop the bloody geese getting through, they have been ducking under and coming into the front area and then round to the lawn if the gate is open. I then went on to do a bit of weeding and planting the squash plants that had been growing, I also planted up a couple of cucumbers outside and some tomato plants, might as well get them in if I have got them. The reason being that the Bank of England is predicting apocalyptic food prices by the end of the year and inflation at 10%, grow everything you can and make sure you use everything you grow. With doom and gloom on the horizon I thought I would try and experiment, freezing eggs in a muffin tin. You crack them open into the tin, pop the yolk with a cocktail stick, cover and freeze, then once frozen take them out of the tin and freeze in freezer bags. I think this will work fine for any eggs you want to use in baking once they are defrosted they should be like any other egg you have just cracked. Not sure about poached and fried but I can’t see why they would be much different and certainly will be fine for scrambled. Come autumn when the hens are all moulting the egg number reduced drastically and this way I should always have plenty.

Freezing eggs for the inevitable shortage in autumn

Sam came over with the twins late morning and then Shelley and Florence, we spent a pleasant enough hour in the garden although first George got stung by stinging nettles and then Lucie 🙄 They had both finished crying and we were chatting again when Sam looked across to the house with a look of concern and said ‘what’s that’ I stood up to look and immediately shouted to everyone to get in the house. I then shouted to John to get the dogs in now, every one did exactly as they were told which was great. The reason was a swarm, thousands of bees had decided that somewhere nearby they were going to settle, they were not high up either but low down at face level which is why I thought it was better to get in out of the way. They settled in the cider apple tree next to the house and I phoned around to get someone to come and collect them. Dave, one of the bee keepers who we sold honey for last year came over, he got his bee suit on and collected them up, much to the delight of the children, it was exciting for them. He waited a fair time to gather them all up but there were a lot he couldn’t get to go in the box and so he left with the ones he had which must have been thousands, it was a big swarm apparently. The rest were still flying around and clustered on the tree for a while but we went out to get some shopping and when we came back they had dispersed. Early evening I went out to water the poly tunnel and as I got near to the small one I could hear exactly where they had gone 😂 hundreds of them in my tunnel. Hopefully Dave is coming back late evening with some pheromone to gather them up.

The swarm settled pretty quickly fairly low down in a tree right next to the house.

Dave came back with a box that previously had a swarm in and some syrup in the hopes they would go in but they were quite docile but this point and reluctant to move, he gently brushed some of them in and is leaving the box overnight to see if more can be encouraged to go in. I need to water the tunnel 😂 so I am waiting until almost dark before going out to do it, don’t want to make them angry 🐝

Wednesday: I was up early this morning 5am, I needed to get quite a lot of flowers cut for orders today and I didn’t want to be disturbing those bees in the tunnel 😂 They were still mostly all sleeping 💤 I went about my business in relative safety 🙄 actually they are apparently not hostile when they are swarming as they have nothing to protect, no hive, no honey and no eggs, that’s reassuring but still when there are thousands of them it’s a bit scary. The ones that have been left behind number around 200 which is a tiny fraction of the amount of bees in a hive, still it’s a lot of bees in my poly tunnel 😂 I got all the cutting done ended up with wet feet and arms as the dew was pretty heavy after the rain yesterday. Then I went on to getting some weeding done in one of the front beds, I wanted to get them out before we go away or they would be triffids by the time I get back. I got stung on the arms and feet by long stinging nettles, I had changed my shoes for flip flops, what the heck was I even thinking 🧐 numpty. After doing that job it was round to the veg garden, which is rapidly becoming a flower garden 😝 to plant up, you guessed it, flowers. Grasses this time actually, specific types that are great for flower bouquets, they add movement and sparkle. Then I planted up some scented pelargoniums, not my usual thing but the foliage smells amazing and again good for flower posies.

Back indoors and I got the eggs from the freezer, they took a little bit of persuading to leave the tin, bang, bang, bang, but eventually I got them out and popped them into a bag and returned them to the freezer for use later in the year. Back outside to potter a little bit more and to observe the bees, I am quite fascinated by them to be honest, their behaviour patterns under the circumstances are interesting, they clump together quite a bit and appear dozy. Here is what I have learnt, if they don’t go to the box Dave bought, they will die, they need to feed and they are not getting any instruction from the rest of the hive so they don’t really know what to do without all the others 😢 As I said before they are a tiny fraction of the hive, a couple of hundred out of a swarm of 40/50,000 so are dispensable as far as the hive health goes. But they are bees and we need bees so trying to gather up stragglers is a good idea. Those that don’t go to the box will definitely die, this is ok though because they then become part of the food chain for other insects and small mammals such as beetles and mice, it’s just sad. Some of the younger ones could gather pollen and go to a different hive and because they are young and have the pollen they would probably be accepted, old bees or bees with no pollen will not 😏 Nature is both amazing and cruel at the same time isn’t it.

Indoors early afternoon to make up the flower orders and then a sit down before going out late afternoon to deliver flowers and eggs today 😁 Then I have a flower bouquet collection late afternoon.

It’s definitely swarm weather, the chap that collected our bees has collected another three swarms today! He came back to get any of the bees that had gone into the box by dusk, sadly the rest that are clustering in the polytunnel in various places will now die off and be part of the food chain. A queen bee can lay up to a thousand eggs a day apparently so they will soon replenish and he also said ‘our swarm’ is now in a hive and working really hard, yay go bees 🐝

More rain this evening, I for one am not complaining, we really needed the ground water levels to get back up to decent levels 🌧

Massive thunder storms with lightning and heavy bursts of rain.

Thursday: I spent the morning getting my hair done while John was busy at home sorting and tidying his van.

When we returned home we watched the lunchtime news and I can’t help but comment on a couple of things. First is the fact that potentially there will be food shortages due to goods not being able to be shipped from Ukraine. It is a fertile and abundant country but don’t you think it is a bit ridiculous to rely so heavily on one country to provide vast quantities for the rest of the world. Obviously Ukraine needs all the support we can give it in anyway we can but if it teaches us one thing it should be to look at worse case scenarios and see how resilient we are going forward.

Second is the rate of inflation and the rising cost of living, well I just can’t shut up sorry 😝 Back in the 80’s (yes I know I am going to sound like an old fossil) inflation went above 10% and mortgage interest rates climbed up and beyond 15%, 15%! Just let that sink in if you are in your 20/30’s and have a mortgage, I am not age bashing but seriously it was a tough period for our finances and guess what, there wasn’t any talk of help in any way from any direction at all. You got on with it by working more hours or taking a second job and dispensing with any little luxuries, you rode the storm basically and yes some people sank under the cost of it all, some people lost everything and had to start again. I can tell you countless stories of the types of jobs people took that wasn’t their usual line of work because it was a necessity to do so. But also back in the day hardly anyone was in debt up to the hilt, mostly we had a mortgage and that was it, we had a second hand car that was bought and paid for not on tick and our lifestyle was not as extravagant as they are today, that extravagance has become the norm 🙄 it seems to have become an entitlement. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, I know things have changed a lot and I know that there is genuine hardship out there but from observations there are also a lot out there who do not know how to cut their cloth either that or they couldn’t possibly give up what I would consider luxuries at a time like this 🤔

We had a busy few hours this evening, I wrote a list of jobs that need doing just in case John was not aware of all of them 😂 He started off by cutting the grass in the driveway then the paddock and finally the lawn. I potted up some chrysanthemums that arrived today, these will extend the flowers available right through to Christmas 😁 I did the watering in the tunnels, cleaned the horses water buckets out and filled them all up, did a bit of weeding, sorted all the eggs after John fed the birds and collected the eggs. In-between all that we had the twins and then I had a live online workshop to attend, my eyes are very tired 🥱 Up early tomorrow to cut flowers for a 100th birthday bouquet 🥰

Friday: Still rainy lol after all those dry months it hasn’t stopped raining on and off for a week now. Up early and I cracked on with cutting flowers for todays birthday bouquet 🥰 Then it was on to cleaning and then just before lunch ironing johns shirts. The only time I do ironing is for occasions and though I don’t mind doing it I was glad when it was finished 😂 Meanwhile John had to pop out to get a small job done and then once he was back there were jobs on the list for him to get his teeth into. Shelley said make sure I leave her some jobs to do, so I definitely will 😝

I made up the flowers at lunchtime and then delivered them and when I got back I thought I would have a go at a corsage. I quite liked doing one, it’s a different skill to try out.

Popped out early evening to pick up some plants that I had seen for sale, good sized plants that were too good to pass up lol. When I got back I put the dinner on then out to the paddock to get Biscuit in and confine her to a small pen. She hasn’t been bad it’s just that she will get bad if I leave her out on all that grass after the rain we have had so this is preventative.

A live meeting then gardeners world, lovely Friday night, almost, my jeans unexpectedly ripped across the front of the thigh area so I now have to quickly order new jeans for going away 😂

Saturday: A busy day today rammed with every type of job you could possibly think off both inside and out. John has been busy as well cleaning out the birds and mowing the grass in the front paddock by hand because the belt broke on the ride on mower 😝 Shelley came over in the afternoon and we walked through two lots of flower selection, conditioning and arranging, she did a great job and all will be well with that side of things I am certain. In the evening I printed of yet more paperwork for the holiday 😂 one more bit to do.

Sunday: Another busy, crammed day of things to do, mainly packing, I think I have packed way too much and then not enough at the same time 🤪 It’s all the little things to remember but hopefully I have remembered everything and what I haven’t, tough. John has been cutting everything g with the hand mower again, flipping typical that the ride on breaks just as you need to get everything up together. Then he had the front hens to clean out and power wash, that’s the last of the big clean outs, Shelley will then be able to just skip out and all should be fine. I have cleaned the spare room ready for the kids to sleep in, I still need to go and alter biscuits electric fencing to give her a bigger area for a week, then Sam is back from her holiday and will re jig the grazing again.

There is such a massive amount to organise on a Smallholding when you want to go on holiday, there are endless lists of daily, weekly routines for each and every animal, lists for the top priority jobs, lists for what, where, when, how and why, general lists for the household stuff, deliveries, customers and then there is all the work needed to get it all up together to make life easier for the person who is coming to take over. We are incredibly lucky to have the girls who always know how much we need a holiday and are willing to step in and help out massively, without them we simply couldn’t go away 🥰🥰🥰

Downloaded a few books to read and the Miriam Margolyes book in Audio form, that should be a bit of a hoot 😁

This afternoon I am having my nails, eyelashes and eyebrows, preened, tinted and polished and then a roast a Shelley’s 😁 Back home to get some watering done and water in some nematodes for the vine weevil, fill up the horses water, let a biscuit out for a day and a half before she gets confined for a week, and finally get a sit down. We will have plenty of last minute jobs and things to get sorted tomorrow but for the blog that’s it for almost three weeks. That just leaves me to say have a wonderful Jubilee celebration weekend, it’s not often a Platinum Jubilee is held, what an amazing lady our Queen is in every way, and providing we get a fit to travel result I will be back in a few weeks time. 🚢😁🥂🥳 🇬🇧